This week I have mainly been focusing on writing up my project proposal and time plan, but to do so I've also been doing some research into the far-right in the UK.
At the beginning of the week I watched the first episode of a new series on the BBC called Can't Get You Out of My Head
This show is about this history of the modern world, and in the episode I watched it featured a lot of discussions about how English people felt a loss of pride and personality when our empire fell. It also showed our appalling reaction to immigrants from previous commonwealth invited to rebuild 'the mother land' after WW2 and our not so distant past of eugenics experiments and incredibly racist regime in Kenya. Sadly, a lot of this was new knowledge to me, and made me realise how there's a real underbelly of racism and intolerance in this country which we try so hard to hide but have had for generations. I will definitely continue to watch this show to learn more the making of the modern world as it may give me answers to why we are in this current state of affairs and think it will be really beneficial for this project.
I have also been doing some reading into the re-emergence of the far-right in this country. I studied politics at A-level so covered some of this in sixth form but it's been good to go back over stuff, refresh my mind and read new stuff too. I found this article particularly interesting
Project Proposal and Time plan:
Week 2 Reflections:
I've actually found it really useful writing up the proposal this week. It's made me really reflect on the work I've done on the foundation up until this point, what things I want to carry forward in terms of how I work, what style I use etc. into this project and what I want to improve upon or not repeat. For me I still really need to work on my time management, but the way I'm doing my blog this time around by doing weekly reflections I think will help me to stay focused and aware of what is and isn't working. I also know that I really want to take advantage of the kit on offer as much as possible for this project, in particular experimenting with film photography and hopefully getting a go at using proper lighting equipment. Now that I've started my research into the far-right in the UK I need to start thinking about what this means for my photography. My plan for next week is to start thinking about what I want to show about the far-right and how am I going to use the folk horror aesthetic to do this.